Healing, Reiki and Crystal Therapy
We have seen many interesting changes in light both during and after healing (reiki, pranic, hands-on, spiritual) when compared to the baseline scans taken before healing starts. We have a put a selection of them below. We have also included scans before and after healing with light pulsed through crystals.
We hope you find them interesting. You can find more about analysis of scans in the 'Images' section on our website. Also see https://www.slideshare.net/BiofieldReader/biofield-reader-online-course-5-basic-analysis
There are helpful slideshows on SlideShare and videos on our YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ResolutionsResearch
We hope you find them interesting. You can find more about analysis of scans in the 'Images' section on our website. Also see https://www.slideshare.net/BiofieldReader/biofield-reader-online-course-5-basic-analysis
There are helpful slideshows on SlideShare and videos on our YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ResolutionsResearch
Experiment to determine if there are changes in light when water is energised with healing energy
Craig Hendricks, who uses Biofield Reader wanted to see if there were any changes in light when he charged a gallon of water with healing energy. He took 'before' and 'after' shots. He used the Masaru Emoto protocol to emplace intention in water, a sequential intentions meditation was done with the expressed intention to supercharge Healing information within the water.
Below we can see that the light has changed considerably in the 'after' shot - not only in the general environment but also within the container of water, which sits on a pile of books on the central chair. These changes are consistent with those often seen in 'higher' energy states, e.g. in and around: 'charged' crystals; individuals during/after healing and during and after meditation.
Craig intends to conduct further testing to insure energy levels are changed and appropriately identified within the container.
See Craig's experiment on this link Water-charging-experiment
Craig Hendricks, who uses Biofield Reader wanted to see if there were any changes in light when he charged a gallon of water with healing energy. He took 'before' and 'after' shots. He used the Masaru Emoto protocol to emplace intention in water, a sequential intentions meditation was done with the expressed intention to supercharge Healing information within the water.
Below we can see that the light has changed considerably in the 'after' shot - not only in the general environment but also within the container of water, which sits on a pile of books on the central chair. These changes are consistent with those often seen in 'higher' energy states, e.g. in and around: 'charged' crystals; individuals during/after healing and during and after meditation.
Craig intends to conduct further testing to insure energy levels are changed and appropriately identified within the container.
See Craig's experiment on this link Water-charging-experiment
Does healing energy change with the shape of healer's hands?
I heard, recently, about something interesting which I think we could test with biofield imaging.
Many studies show that when the hands of a healer are placed above the head of someone, they emit beneficial electromagnetic radiation, or energy. However, if the hands are placed with cupped palms around the head, then we get an added beneficial effect, that is the so-called cavity structure effect. This effect happens in all cavities and has been proven scientifically.
I heard, recently, about something interesting which I think we could test with biofield imaging.
Many studies show that when the hands of a healer are placed above the head of someone, they emit beneficial electromagnetic radiation, or energy. However, if the hands are placed with cupped palms around the head, then we get an added beneficial effect, that is the so-called cavity structure effect. This effect happens in all cavities and has been proven scientifically.
The cavity structure effect, within cupped hands, is thought to be the manifestation of an energy vortex within each palm. Consequently, these two vortices may 'reach' the head in addition to the normal electromagnetic field/energy.
I wondered if these vortices are what we are seeing in the scans above where the healer's hands (above right) are more cupped and closer to the head. The additional energy may be seen as the green ball of light?
I wondered if these vortices are what we are seeing in the scans above where the healer's hands (above right) are more cupped and closer to the head. The additional energy may be seen as the green ball of light?
Usually, it is quite difficult to measure the effect of the cavity structure on a living organism but perhaps we could see changes in light with biofield imaging?
If any of you would like to try - you could scan with palms flat above head of person receiving healing. Then the hands could be cupped (to form semi-cavities) and another series of scans taken. Please do send your results in if you're happy to share them. I think it would be a great bit of research.
If any of you would like to try - you could scan with palms flat above head of person receiving healing. Then the hands could be cupped (to form semi-cavities) and another series of scans taken. Please do send your results in if you're happy to share them. I think it would be a great bit of research.
Biofield Imaging highlights areas that need balancing
With Biofield Imaging, we often see indicative patterns and colours in the energy/light in advance of physical symptoms, such as pain, occurring. A number of therapists use biofield imaging with their clients as an indicator of energetic imbalances. The biofield scans below were processed through Biofield Imager. The first scan (below left) shows the colours on and around a man's shoulder before healing. The man had no current problem in that area but could see the congestion on the scan and decided that he would like healing to that area before any physical symptoms manifested.
With Biofield Imaging, we often see indicative patterns and colours in the energy/light in advance of physical symptoms, such as pain, occurring. A number of therapists use biofield imaging with their clients as an indicator of energetic imbalances. The biofield scans below were processed through Biofield Imager. The first scan (below left) shows the colours on and around a man's shoulder before healing. The man had no current problem in that area but could see the congestion on the scan and decided that he would like healing to that area before any physical symptoms manifested.
If you want to get good scans for comparison, make sure you have subject, camera, and lighting in exactly same place for all scans - i.e. standardise your conditions. You could always use a tripod and mark position on floor where subject stands. There's lots about this on the training page on website. See 'How to set up for good photos'. Thanks to Christopher Lembke who took these scans. If you would like to contact Christopher, his details are: www.TheAlchemyExperience.co.uk mobile +44 (0)7583 198683 (Images reproduced with permission).
Biofield Analysis- gastroenteritis
The boy below had diarrhoea and vomiting. The scans below were taken before and after treatment using light pulsed through crystals. The boy felt much better after treatment.
The boy below had diarrhoea and vomiting. The scans below were taken before and after treatment using light pulsed through crystals. The boy felt much better after treatment.
He was given a Light Crystal Treatment (light pulsed through a crystal) and the improvements, i.e. the changes towards a more balanced field, are seen in the scan above right. Thanks to Mat Shields for sending these scans and giving us his analysis of them. (Images reproduced with permission).
Man with tiredness and cough
Before healing of the biofield
We can see (on left): Red congested light/energy indicating imbalances: on brow around man's eyes – he wears spectacles around his throat - he has dry tickly cough at back of his throat He felt extremely tired when the scan was taken. His general lack of vitality is reflected in the general dullness of his biofield - over and around him. |
During healing of the biofield
The light on and around the man lightens once the healers start balancing his field. White healing light/energy appears above head. White is the highest frequency we can see with our biofield imaging software. Red congested areas now green which indicates a more balanced state on brow and around his eyes. Interestingly, his throat area shows more red - often seen during healing and usually resolves to a more balanced state over a few days. |
Man with thyroid problems, diabetes and right arm strain
Before healing
Before healing (left) we can see red congested energy/light where this man has problems. Right upper arm (muscle strain). High intensity orange light over the pancreas area (diabetes) and mauve over throat (thyroid problems). Mauve suggests that the energy congestion has been there for longer than red congestion which may be transient. |
During healing
During healing (left). High intensity white light is seen above man and between two healers. The light over his body has become balanced - less red and mauve and more green and yellow. Solar plexus and throat have become more balanced. We think that the red over his boxer shorts may be due to the red energy 'grounding'. Note also the connections between the healers' and the man's energy fields. |
Woman suffering from stress
Woman with pain - upper and lower back and left side of neck upper am
Before healing - 1Here the healer (standing) is seen 'attuning' to healing energy. Note the 'patches' or 'pools' of red congested light on both the healer's and patient's heads.
We have done thousands of scans and have observed that there is often a correlation between where 'patches' or 'pools' 'of red light are seen and where someone has a 'problem'. These red patches of light suggest where the light/energy is out of balance. |
During healing - 1During healing, changes in the light can be seen. Note the bright green light between the hands of the healer. This bright green light is also seen over healer's heart and solar plexus areas. Could this be the frequency of healing energy coming through? There is a lessening of red light on both the patient's and the healer's heads and an increase of blue/violet light to patient's head and face. There is more blue/violet on arms of healer in this picture. Blue/violet light is often seen after healing and often correlates with subject's increased well-being.
Before Reiki healingBefore reiki - red congested patches of light seen to left side of neck, upper back and top of left arm - these are all areas where the woman reported (pain) and in field to left of neck. Red also seen over lower back and (sacro-iliac joints) back where discomfort was also felt.
During the healing session the healer concentrated on the left side of the upper back, top of left arm, lower back and back of legs where the woman reported tightness of muscles |
After Reiki healingAfter 20 minutes of reiki, changes are seen in the light on and around the body: no red in field to left of her neck; red bands to right of neck have moved down; less red at top of her back and less red on lower back. Overall, there is less red seen and more green. Green light is often seen in more healthy and 'balanced' areas as well after healing, and often correlates with subject's increased well-being. After Reiki, the woman reported less lower back pain and her neck felt relaxed and less painful.
See healing in real time
Here's a great video (on left) of a healing session, recorded in real-time using Biofield Reader (BFR) by Ann Treherne of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre in Edinburgh, Scotland. Ann is an experienced user of the BFR software as she regularly holds Workshops, both at the Centre, and around the world. She comments on the video and offers her insights into the colours and what they mean. There are interesting changes in light during the healing and a pulsation of light at the end. Mayumi, the healer, commented on the recording, '...it was fascinating to see how energy came in, moved and changed.' It is also interesting to see how the light/energy seems to connect with Ann's crown area. The energy pulsations at the end of the video are similar to those we have seen when people are making energy connections. See our channel ResolutionsResearch on YouTube. |
Healer projects energy from handThis healer focused her thoughts on 'emitting' healing energy from her hands as this picture was taken.
Note the swathe of red light under her hand and around her navel area. We have often seen red light emanating from healers' hands. Also of interest is the line of red light on the outside of her right thigh (also visible on left thigh too), which may be connecting with her navel area and the ground. It could be that energy is obliterating the view of the 'physical' trousers. |
During healing - 2This excellent example shows the distinct changes taking place above a patient receiving healing.
Man suffering from stress
Before healing - 3
Note the red congested light (above) on the brow, left side of face and throat.The energy around his head is not symmetrical, the bands of light are higher on his left (where there is most congestion) than on his right side. After healing - 3
There is less red congested light (picture on right) on the brow, and left side of face and the throat energy is changing. There is more golden light above his head and the bands on the left-side of his head are balancing and aligning with those on his right. We have seen that the energy is still balancing immediately after a healing session. The field improves with further healing sessions and begins to be able to hold a more coherent balance. So don't be disappointed if the changes seen during the healing session are not maintained in the short-term. Give the energy time to balance. |
After healing - 2
A high intensity gold/orange spot is visible where healer's hand had been on top of woman's back During healing - 3
The picture (above) shows higher frequency white, blue and pink light above man's head. Green (colour of balance) is now seen on the left-side of his face and brow.. Click here to see the video of this healing session. |